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Miracles Of Jesus Christ

A miracle is an extraordinary event caused by the power of God. Miracles are an important element in the work of Jesus Christ. They include healings, restoring the dead to life, and resurrection. Miracles are a part of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

There are many miraculous works of Christ recorded in the Bible, as He continues to help mankind in heavenly ways today!

List of Miracles of Jesus Christ: Services

Jesus Changed Water Into Wine 

June 2:1-11

List of Miracles of Jesus Christ: Welcome

Jesus cast out an unclean spirit

Mark 1:2 3-28

List of Miracles of Jesus Christ: Welcome

The Great Haul of Fishes

Luke 5:1-11

List of Miracles of Jesus Christ: Welcome

Jesus cured the nobleman's son

John 4:46-47

List of Miracles of Jesus Christ: Welcome

 Jesus cured Peter's mother-in-law of a fever

Mark 1:30-31

List of Miracles of Jesus Christ: Welcome

Jesus healed a leper

Mark 1:40-45

List of Miracles of Jesus Christ: Welcome

Jesus healed the centurion's servant

Matthew 8:5-13

List of Miracles of Jesus Christ: Welcome

Jesus raised the widow's son from the dead

LUKE 7:11-18

List of Miracles of Jesus Christ: Welcome

Jesus stilled the storm

Matthew 8:23-27

List of Miracles of Jesus Christ: Welcome

Jesus cured two demoniacs

Matthew 8:28-34

List of Miracles of Jesus Christ: Welcome

Jesus cured a woman of an issue of blood 

Luke 8:43-48

List of Miracles of Jesus Christ: Welcome

Jesus cured the paralytic

Matthew 9:1-8

List of Miracles of Jesus Christ: Welcome

Jesus cured a boy who was plagued by a demon

Matthew 17:14-21

List of Miracles of Jesus Christ: Welcome

Jesus cured a deaf and mute man

Mark 7:31-37

List of Miracles of Jesus Christ: Welcome

Jesus cured a man of dropsy

Luke 14:1-4

List of Miracles of Jesus Christ: Welcome

Jesus cured a woman who had been afflicted eighteen years

Luke 13:10-17

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List of Miracles of Jesus Christ: Welcome

Jesus healed a woman of Canaan​

Matthew 15:22-28

List of Miracles of Jesus Christ: Welcome

Jesus fed at least five thousand people

Matthew 14:15-21

List of Miracles of Jesus Christ: Welcome

Jesus loosened the tongue of a man who could not speak

Matthew 9:32-33

List of Miracles of Jesus Christ: Welcome

Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead 

John 11:1-46

List of Miracles of Jesus Christ: Welcome

Jesus restored a withered hand

Matthew 12:10-13

List of Miracles of Jesus Christ: Welcome

Jesus opened the eyes of two blind men

Matthew 9:27-31

List of Miracles of Jesus Christ: Welcome

Jesus cured a demon-possessed man 

Matthew 12:22

List of Miracles of Jesus Christ: Welcome

Jesus opened the eyes of a blind man

Mark 8:22-26
List of Miracles of Jesus Christ: Welcome

Jesus opened the eyes of a man born blind

John 9:1-38

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List of Miracles of Jesus Christ: Welcome
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